Spaghetti Peperoncino

Spaghetti Peperoncino – created on the CHEF CHEF app for iOS dailysweatshirt (Lindsay Jones)



Lindsay Jones
10 years ago
•14 ounces spaghetti
•8 cloves garlic
•4 red chili peppers
•2 tsps finely chopped Italian parsley
•1/2 cup olive oil
•2 tbps extra virgin olive oil (to finish)

1. Peel the garlic. Then crush the garlic with a wooden spoon or garlic press.
2. Remove the chili seeds from the peppers.
3. Add the olive oil and the crushed garlic to a saute' pan over medium heat, tilting it slightly. When the garlic starts to steam and small bubbles apear, reduce to low heat.
Gently saute' the garlic until it turns a golden brown.
4. Tear or cut the red chillies into small pieces. Add them to the pan and tun off the heat. Stir in the parsley and take the pan off the stove.
5. Fill a sauce pan with plenty of water and bring it to a boil. Add salt to the water. Cook spaghetti as directed on the packaging.
7. Transfer 1/2 a cup of the cooking water to a small bowl. Turn off heat and drain spaghetti.
8. Put the pan with the garlic in it back on the stove. Add a third of the cooking water you saved into the pan and heat over medium heat. Move the pan back and forth a little so the water and the oil mix fully. Mix rest of water in.
9. Add the spaghetti to the rest of the mix. Stir briskly. Season with salt. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil.