Strawberry port duck breast

Strawberry port duck breast  – created on the CHEF CHEF app for iOS sean.mccardell.3 (Sean McCardell)



Sean McCardell
9 years ago
-Magret duck breast
-strawberry jam
-port wine
-black truffle butter

(Optional fingerling potatoes for duck fat potatoes)

1. Score the fat side of your duck breast and season the other side with salt and pepper( only do this right before you start to cook it to keep from drying out the meat)
2. In a cast iron skillet or frying pan if you don't have one, cook fat side down over medium high heat to render the duck fat until most of the fat has been rendered and the fat is sufficiently browned
3. Sear the other side briefly after pouring the fat into a jar or container to reserve for another use
4. Place the breast fat side down again and if you have an oven proof skillet place in the oven at 400 for 7 to 9 minutes( if not place on a tray or baking dish)
5. While the duck is cooking sautée minced shallots in the black truffle butter in a sauce pan
6. Add in port wine and strawberry jam( I used jam from a local farmers market) and reduce sauce until it thickens
7. Remove duck breast from oven and let rest and then thinly slice and pour your sauce over top

*As a side dish quarter fingerling potatoes, parboil and sautée in the duck fat for delicious duck fat potatoes