Funghi risotto with scallop

Funghi risotto with scallop – created on the CHEF CHEF app for iOS CNichols91 (Christopher Nichols)



Christopher Nichols
10 years ago
250 g tasteful / seasonal mushrooms ( seen here with dried ceps )
Risotto rice
Lemon juice (optional)
Olive oil
White wine
Parmesan cheese

Depending on whether or not your mushrooms are dried, soak them in warm water in the instructed time.

Afterwards start with finely chopping your shallots and pan frying them in olive oil until translucent. Add the rice, and a little extra oil if necessary. Give them aprox. 3-4 minutes until having gained a little color. Afterwards add enough white wine to cover the rice. The taste of the wine depends on your mushrooms. Mine was somewhat sweet, hence the lemon juice, to add acidity. White wine vinegar could also have worked.

After the rice has absorbed the wine, gradually add stock, and stir into the rice. Since my ceps were dried, I used the warm water that I had soaked them in for an hour, to give a nice earthy taste.

Keep going until your rice is finished, but still has some bite. Then add the mushrooms, and let the absorbed water evaporate. Finish with Parmesan to make it creamy, but don't overdo it. You want to taste the mushrooms.

Set it aside and heat up a pan to very hot. Add oil and scallops, and fry until both sides have a beautiful color. This takes aprox 1-1 min 20 seconds pr side.

I finished the dish with a Parmesan crisp, and butterfly cut the scallop and gently place above the risotto.

Enjoy :)